Terms such as Business to Business, Business to Consumer, or Costumer to Costumer are standard in marketing. All of them are related to the type of transaction that takes into the marketing process. 

The article `Cultivating Relationships Post-Pandemic´ mentioned the importance of strengthening relationships. Excuses like, ‘we will meet after the pandemic ends` or turning off the camera when we had an annoying client end.

When I propose a BTF, I mean a business to feel empathy with their employments because only exceptional corporations expand thanks to thinking, doing, and behaving in how they sell their brand.

This weekend I watched a movie called ` The Good Boss` an anti-corporate comedy that shows the fake values that companies promote proclaim: we are all here as a family with a slogan: hard work, loyalty, and transparent. 

I don’t want to be a spoiler, but in summary, it wasn’t at all a family, and what happened in business is that the owners sometimes focus on the revenue, making their employees feel like robots or just a number.

Business to feel is being empathetic with backgrounds and trying to understand that work is one of life’s parts, that people work, have family, heartbroken, and debts trying to do their best. A company can’t grow in fake values. Otherwise, their marketing plan at some point will break.

To sum up, empathy has to become a new trend as authentic. In that way, brands will connect better with customers; if the team trusts in their company, they will be loyal, and a brand with happy employers brings more money. connect with me on LinkedIn

Topic: Empathy