Closing a sale is like a love story; it sometimes happens immediately because that was what you were looking for. Nevertheless, the essential thing in a relationship isn’t the start. It is the end and final experience the client got and told everyone about.

Building relationships in business takes empathy. For that reason, boundaries can be listened to, discussed, and clarified in the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) we set during the initial promises to succeed in that sale story.

We must be clear about the things we will develop, the time, and how. Also, make deadlines that we can sell and reach. For that reason, setting a product strategy with expectations helps to measure the impacts of others over time. Being honest and straightforward with a linear approach and straight KPIs is essential.

When a professional is available to approach, connect and propose reachable indicators from the start, it could reach fabulous sales at first sight. In that way, KPIs couldn’t stay in number, and they are our daily reminder to set product strategy in all market industries effectively.

To engage that sale at first sight into a long-term negotiation is mandatory to build trust beyond impact and perform measures that could change depending on the circumstances of the business. connect with me on LinkedIn