In the marketing plan, companies need to develop a buyer persona to reach more possibilities of effectiness in comparison with the companies that don’t have this person. For that reason, all the points in developing the buyer persona are crucial. We can take into account those tips
My favorite holiday is approaching! Halloween season starts with a lot of events that involve families, friends, and pets. According to business insider, consumers are expected to spend a record $10.14 billion on Halloween this year. For that reason, products and services started events in different segments.
A communication crisis could happen at any time in any company during daily work. For that reason, mass communications, and effectiveness in the development of crisis plans are crucial to maintain brand awareness. In seconds, any customer with an active social media account could increase or destroy
I´ve received around five calls from clients that want to implement global deliveries on their websites. During the meetings, they start to show their products and tell me reasons why they want to export their products to foreign countries. However, starting this kind of process requires strategic