This figure showed the importance of planning, executing, and taking decisions through meaningful information in the marketing research process. After my reflection about the processes that I’ve watched I realized some common mistakes that marketers made in previous experiments that I had running with some brands: Let’s
In the book, the market research toolbox, marketing research is defined as “techniques forgathering information from and about customers to support a business decision”. Todevelop a good marketing technique, qualitative and quantitative research are key in thedesign of the research study. Qualitative research is important to explore
In the marketing plan, companies need to develop a buyer persona to reach more possibilities of effectiness in comparison with the companies that don’t have this person. For that reason, all the points in developing the buyer persona are crucial. We can take into account those tips
My favorite holiday is approaching! Halloween season starts with a lot of events that involve families, friends, and pets. According to business insider, consumers are expected to spend a record $10.14 billion on Halloween this year. For that reason, products and services started events in different segments.